Adel Abdessemed (FR), Mircea Cantor (FR), Gaëlle Choisne (FR), Latifa Echakhch (CH), Hana Miletić (HR), Melik Ohanian (FR), Ana Prvacki (USA-DE), Decebal Scriba (FR), Daniel Otero-Torres (COL)
Centrul de interes Cluj-Napoca — June 7-July 29, 2023
Diasporic comes from diaspora and originally refers to a forced exile for political, economic, social and cultural reasons. Exile generally refers to a link, at least symbolic, with the country of origin and to a group of dispersed people who come from the same place and who proclaim themselves members of a diaspora and by rebound assume an identity that, whether we admit or not, takes you back to departure point.
On an artistic level, these conscious or unconscious links, these genealogies are undeniably sources of enrichment, both symbolic and metaphorical. Whatever they do, artists will express these intrinsic links to their original homelands and cultural horizons in their works and in various details, both at the level of formal vocabulary and at the conceptual level. As the British sociologist and researcher Paul Gilroy (1993) aptly puts it, "Roots have given way to routes. 'Displaced people have things to teach us', says American writer Philip Roth. And it is for these reasons that I have chosen these artists and these works to show and demonstrate the power and diversity of approaches, but also to capture the effects of dispersion, scattering, borders, origin and return, insider and outsider that correspond to realities and lived experiences that offer an emblematic range.