Ex-East, past and recent stories of the Romanian avant-gardes
Niemeyer Space, Paris — February 5-March 16, 2019

The Art Encounters Foundation Timişoara has presented Ex-East, an exhibition of modern and contemporary art, under the auspices of the France-Romania Cultural Season, curated by Ami Barak and designed by Vincent Le Bourdon.
The exhibition will be open to public view from February 5th to March 16th, 2019 in the main hall of the French Communist Party headquarters, an exceptional building designed by the modernist Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer.
The main protagonists of modern art will stand alongside the actors of the contemporary scene with a view to hig hlight the essential contribution of the Romanian artists to the 20th century and the undeniable contribution of the new generations and their ways of relating to the present time. From Constantin Brâncuşi to Geta Brătescu, from Tristan Tzara to Adrian Ghe nie and from Victor Brauner to Ana Lupaș , a new series of iconic works will be represented in this highly symbolic place.
Modernity and its avant - garde movements engender a will to annihilate boundaries and national references. But what are the borderlines of this cultural horizon? What are the parallel narratives of modernity and the Romanian avant-gardes?

- Arthur Segal
- Constantin Brâncuşi
- Marcel Iancu
- Tristan Tzara
- Benjamin Fondane
- Victor Brauner
- Jacques Hérold
- Horia Damian
- Isidore Isou
- Geta Brătescu
- Pavel Ilie
- Ştefan Bertalan
- Andrei Cădere
- Roman Cotoșman
- Constantin Flondor
- Cornel Brudaşcu
- Horia Bernea
- Florin Mitroi
- Paul Neagu
- Ana Lupaș
- Mihai Olos
- Doru Tulcan
- Decebal Scriba
- Ion Grigorescu
- Rudolf Bone
- Miklós Onucsan
- Teodor Graur
- Iosif Király
- subREAL
- Dan Perjovschi
- Daniel Knorr
- Kinema Ikon
- Aurora Király
- Victor Man
- Anca Munteanu Rîmnic
- Simon Cantemir Hauși
- Anca Benera & Arnold Estefan
- Mircea Cantor
- Adrian Ghenie
- Ciprian Mureşan
- Gabriela Vanga
- Şerban Savu
- Mircea Suciu
- Liliana Basarab
- Marius Bercea
- Vlad Nancă
- Ioana Nemeş
- Andra Ursuta
- Olivia Mihăltianu
- Alex Mirutziu
- Pusha Petrov
- Mi Kafchin
- Lea Rasovszky